Peekaboo Beans feature image in Calgary Alberta

Peekaboo Bean’s Fashion for Pre-Schoolers in Calgary Alberta

In the beautiful city of Calgary there is not a day that passes that you don’t see a variety of different clothing and fashion styles! Whether it’s the style of someone’s hair, their choice of outfit,  or the style of one of the amazing buildings in downtown Calgary, it is a truly beautiful and fashionable place! The word ‘fashion’ normally brings to mind well dressed women and men in the streets of a busy cosmopolitan city, or beautiful, well dressed models walking a runway. 
For this blog post I decided to focus on a smaller segment of the fashion population, which are the kids who will define the fashion of the future.  Kids can be very fashionable, while still doing what they do best, which is just being kids!
Peekaboo Beans clothes lets kids do just that. This Street Chic blog post focuses on a sharp-looking line of Canadian designed kids’ clothing that are soft and comfortable yet durable and inspire kids to run, jump and play. You will find many fashionable kids on the streets and playgrounds of Calgary sporting the very stylish Peekaboo Beans clothing line. This apparel is great for young kids who are excited to play.  
Peekaboo Beans has fashionable and comfortable clothes that kids all around Canada will wear and find comfortable. Peekaboo Beans was created with a vision that kids can play and look amazing at the same time. These clothes are also super durable and can last through even the toughest falls and stains! These clothes are also great because children can easily dress themselves without going crazy on patterns.
All Peekaboo Beans clothes are mix and match so even the littlest ones can dress themselves and always have a coordinating outfit!  The young people in the photos definitely stand out the streets of Calgary with their clothes. These boys enjoy running, playing and having fun like any kids should, but with the dependable fabrics their parents don’t need to worry about the Peekaboo Beans clothing getting ripped! 
As if the clothing line of Peekaboo Beans isn’t amazing enough the founder of the company, Traci, has incorporated some great safety and comfort features into the clothes as well.  For example the clothing items with zippers include a chin guard to protect your child’s chin from getting caught in the zipper! And, just when you think it can’t get any better you don’t have to worry about itchy tags that can irritate your child’s skin.  Peekaboo Beans has cleverly taken care of this annoying feature by hiding the tags within the layers of the fabric. 
Justin Trudeau  with toddler wearing Peekaboo BeansThe very fashionable founder of Peekaboo Beans, Traci is always working to market her products and get the word out about her stylish and comfortable kids’ line.  She recently designed the outfits that were on display at our country’s capital on Canada Day, being modeled by the children of our Prime Minister, as can be seen in the picture attached.  
All of the Peekaboo Bean prices are very reasonable as well given the amazing value that is coming with your clothes.  Most  dresses range anywhere from $40-$60. And for a boys T-shirt only $30-$40. To sum up my blog post I would like to address how these clothes tie into my platform, These clothes can let kids stay active and healthy in a very fashionable way and I hope all parents and kids decide to make the switch, as their website says “Once you go BEANS, you never go back!”
*All promotional photos are used with written permission of Peekaboo Beans Founder Traci






6 replies
  1. Debbie Benn
    Debbie Benn says:

    Great article Leslie! We loved buying Peekaboo Beans clothing when Michelle used to sell them. Great kids line for sure.

  2. Penny
    Penny says:

    Les very informative…..I had never heard of Peekaboo Bean’s Fashion for Pre-Schooler’s….if I had small ones I definitely would be checking out this site…Great you put in durability cost and amazing features very well written!

  3. Michelle MacPhee
    Michelle MacPhee says:

    What a great article Leslie! You’ve done a great job of highlighting these up and coming fashionistas and the oh so fashionable founder of Peekaboo Beans, Traci Costa. Traci’s message of the value of PLAY must be shared with the world! I love your sense of creativity with this blog post topic!

  4. Alice MacPhee
    Alice MacPhee says:

    I have always loved the Peek -A -Boo -Beans fashions for kids. They are adorable and so well made to endure the rugged childhood play. Interesting article Leslie.I am sure you modelled many of the earlier styles. Good job!!


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